The Request for Reconsideration (RfR) Dashboard gives the user access to the following:
- Assessment at risk information, including:
- a status by tax year of all Requests for Reconsideration
- RFR by Phase-In Year for your Municipality
- A quick glance at current tax year RfR information, including:
- The number of RfRs processed to Date
- Phased-In Assessment Changed
- Phased-In Assessment Confirmed (No Change)
- Average Days to Complete
- A chart displaying RFR data on Status and Phase-In Assessment.
- A table view allowing you to view properties within each status category, assessment related changes, and providing the ability to examine each property roll number in detail.
- Year drop down menu displaying RFR data for the currently selected year with the ability to select a different tax year that will update both the Chart and Table view.
contact your local administrator if you require access to this functionality.
Local Administrators: can assign this functionality in
the admin portal by selecting the tax
application checkbox in the user's profile and clicking save.
Users will
need to log out and back in before the changes will be applied.