Building Permit Template

Building Permit Template

Municipalities should send the attached permit template monthly to  The file is uploaded to MPAC's system automatically, and should not be altered in any way.

MPAC suggests the following fields be considered mandatory:
  1. Assessment Roll Number (15 digits, including cty/mun)
  2. Municipal/civic address
  3. Legal description Owners name Permit number
  4. Permit application received date
  5. Permit issue date Report month & year Permit value
  6. Permit subtype description
  7. Permit work description Permit folder description Permit comments
  8. Permit status*
  9. Statistics Canada type of building code
  10. Statistics Canada type of work code
  11. *Note when submitting status updates (occupied, final and cancelled) please ensure the corresponding fields are included:
  12. Occupancy Date YYYYMMDD
  13. Final Date YYYYMMDD
  14. Cancelled Date YYYYMMDD

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