Electronic Assessment Information (EAI)

Electronic Assessment Information (EAI)

The Electronic Assessment Information (EAI) is a snapshot of current assessment data. The EAI files contain information that is attached to each roll number within a municipality’s jurisdiction. There are five files created as part of this product

  1.    General Property database contains commonly referenced property and owner information;
  2.    Name database contains detailed owner and occupant information, including school support;
  3.    Structure database includes all of the structure details for residential and farm properties (commercial and industrial structure details are     not available in the EAI);
  4.    Sale database includes all of the current and historical sale details for properties;   
  5.    Soil database contains the soil classification details for farm properties.

These files can be accessed in a .txt format between the Year-End Tax File and next assessment roll. They facilitate the export of bulk data and provide a ‘snapshot’ or point-in-time data.

Please note: although the EAI file is loaded to My Products monthly, municipalities can only download 4 EAI files per year, based on the current Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) between MPAC, Teranet, and the Province.

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