Step 1
On the home page, select the
icon on the upper left corner of the page.
Step 2
Enter the Work Object Type "Vacancy Rebate Application" and the entire Roll Number
Step 3
Once the Roll Number is entered, populate the following fields on the screen:
Additional Email: The user can add additional emails to receive the response. Make sure you hit ENTER after you have added the email addresses.
Municipal Application Number: If applicable and not a mandatory field.
Application Type: Select the reason from the list of options as identified below and is a mandatory field.
- Interim
- Final
- Recalculation
Tax Year: It is mandatory to enter the tax year the application pertains to.
Comments: User can add additional comments pertaining to the vacancy application submission
Step 4
Upload the vacancy application by selecting the "Browse" link or drag and drop your file in the Attachments section (mandatory), as well, you can attach any supporting documents in this area (not mandatory).
Step 5
Click the submit button when compete.
Successfully submitted vacancy applications will appear under your Work Objects as Received and you can then click on the view link under Action to review your Work Object submission. From here you will be able to view the status of the application as received, in progress or completed. Once the vacancy application has been completed a response/form will be sent to you via email.