MPAC Data Products – Standard List

MPAC Data Products – Standard List

All MPAC Data Products are subject to the terms of the Data Sharing and Services Agreement between the Municipality and MPAC, including the Data Terms and Conditions of Use.  Users shall read and agree to the Data Terms and Conditions of Use prior to accessing MPAC Data Products.

As per Section 5.2 of the Data Sharing and Services Agreement (DSSA), please find the DSSA Products – Standard Listing

This is a living document that will continue to be updated as other “use cases” that require MPAC data become popular, so that other municipalities can benefit from them as well.

An Overview of the “Products”:

The first four products on this listing were carried over from the Product Use Sheets from the 2007 Municipal License Agreement.  They included the Roll Kiosk, Municipal Web Site – Enhanced Access, Municipal Web Site – Assessed Value Lookup, and Municipal Connect – Internal Planning Purposes.

The remaining products were created based on popular use cases documented in municipal custom data requests.

Some are specifically for internal planning and others for internal operational purposes and are identified accordingly.

In the past, these products were authorized using Product Use Sheets, under the 2007 Municipal Licence Agreement.

Now, under the DSSA, these products will be delivered under these DSSA Product Use Sheet.

What is the same?

  1. Municipalities will continue to work directly with their local Municipal and Stakeholder Relations teams to complete a Custom Data Request form.
  2. These DSSA Product Use Sheets itemize the terms and conditions of use for each Product
  3.  If use of the licensed data is for is internal operational purposes, municipalities should continue to notify MPAC, regardless of whether MPAC is delivering the product under a custom data request, or if the municipality is generating the product themselves.
    1. Section 5, 2007 Municipal Licence Agreement
    2. Section 5.7, DSSA

What is different?

These DSSA Product Use Sheets no longer require execution (signatures by MPAC and the municipalities) because they are deemed authorized under the DSSA.

Once notified of intention to use licensed data, MPAC will provide a copy of the related DSSA Product Use Sheet to the municipality for their records (either on its own if the municipality is using data obtained through Municipal Connect, or attached to the final product, if MPAC is delivering through a Custom Data Request).

For more information on the use of MPAC data, please contact your local Municipal & Stakeholder Relations Team. 
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