Municipal Change Profile (MCP)

Municipal Change Profile (MCP)

The Municipal Change Profile (MCP) report itemizes all activities affecting assessed property values from the return of the last Assessment Roll and the upcoming Assessment Roll. It is intended to be a Roll Return-to- Roll Return reconciliation. It enables municipalities to define net growth with their assessment base. Net growth can be analyzed by property code, tax class, and tax qualifiers. The MCP download contains: 
  1. The Estimated Growth file captures the estimated growth of the total Current Value Assessment that occurred from the previous roll return, compared to the total Current Value Assessment during the current tax year.  A growth calculation broken down both by property code series and tax classification is provided.

  2. The Estimated Phase-in report captures the impact of the assessment update between Phased-in Values returned on the last Roll, and the changes to Phased-in Values during the current tax year.

  3. The data file which contains a property inventory of assessment information, used to build the various MCP reports. It provides detailed information on all properties and any associated assessment value changes for properties within municipal boundaries. In Assessment Update years, preliminary versions of the MCP may be provided, that include phased-in values for the next assessment cycle.
  1. CVA Base Year Change Report, available during Assessment Update years, captures the impact of the assessment update between the two base years. 
The MCP is delivered annually.  The data file is in .txt format, while MCP Growth, Phase-In Report, Base Year Report, and MCP Provincial Reports .pdf format. In an Assessment Update year, a preliminary report may be provided.

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