Municipal Connect update

Municipal Connect update

MPAC continues to make updates to Municipal Connect. As the primary source of assessment-related information for Ontario municipalities, these changes support our continued commitment to enhancing your user experience and protecting Ontario property owners’ data.


·         Municipal Sales Listings: In September, we rolled out enhancements to the Municipal Sales Listings (MSL) to make temporary roll numbers attached to severances and consolidations more easily identifiable.


·         Monthly People Portal data refresh: Beginning November 2019, data on the People Portal will be refreshed monthly instead of the current bi-weekly refresh. This change is being made to streamline our operations while continuing to meet stakeholders’ business needs.


·         New password reset: In January 2020, we will implement a new password reset function in Municipal Connect, to add an additional layer of security. This change is intended to address cyber risk and protect our data, while helping to mitigate the risk of high profile attacks within the municipal community.


To learn more about the these updates, visit Municipal Connect.


If you have questions about the Municipal Connect updates, contact your Account Manager on the MPAC Municipal and Stakeholder Relations team.

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