My Properties: Search Results - Adding Optional Data Points to Your Report

My Properties: Search Results - Adding Optional Data Points to Your Report

General Rule: The user’s search criteria dictate the search results.

The results from every search query will contain default data points, regardless of whether you add any other filters to your search.

The default data points are:

  1. Roll Number
  2. Municipality 
  3. Municipal Address
  4. Legal Description
  5. Owner(s) (dependent on access)
  6. Roll Create Date
  7. Property Code
  8. Property Series
  9. TTL Flag
  10. Current Value Assessment (CVA)
  11. CVA of Partition
  12. Site Area
  13. Site U of M
  14. Frontage (feet)
  15. Depth (feet)
  16. Site Access
  17. Improvement Code (All)
  18. Improvement Code 
  19. Year Built 
  20. Classification Code 
  21. Total Floor Area (square feet)

To ensure that you can customize your export, any other data points can be added to you report by using the Add Filters tool.  Applying one filter under a broad filter category (e.g. Sales) will result in all the related Sales filters populating (e.g. Sale Amount, Sale Date, Sale Instrument Number, Sale Suffix, Sale Prefix, CVA at Time of Sale, Sale Transferor).

As an example, if you’re looking to generate a list of Commercial properties, that sold from January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2020, here’s how to generate this list:

Go to My Properties, and click on Add Filters.



Choose Properties Series, and click on Commercial


·       Sale Date
·       Apply Filter(s)

You can now either view the results by Map, Card, or Table View.

Applying one filter under a broad filter category (ex: Sales) will result in all the related Sales filters populating (ex: Sale Amount, Sale Date, Sale Instrument Number, Sale Suffix, Sale Prefix).

If an extract is required, choose the Table View and the Export Results button will appear:

Your exported .xlsx document will include both the default filters and any chosen optional features.


Sales Filters: Search results will contain the default data points with the exception of CVA and CVA Partition.

RFRs/Appeals Filters: User should only use filters within this category.  Ex: a user can’t cross-search an Appeal by also applying the Sales or Improvements filters.

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