Responsibilities of Use

Responsibilities of Use

The Local Administrator is authorized to create, edit and delete user profiles. When a user profile is being created, or edited by the local Administrator, they should always be aware of the terms of use, as well as, the terms and conditions of the Municipal License Agreement, paying particular attention to Section 3 of the Agreement, whereby: 

"The information contained in this product (the “Information”) is provided “as is” by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (“MPAC”) to the municipality (the “Institution”). The Institution assumes all risks and liabilities from the use of the information, and may only use the Information for internal planning purposes or the issuing of tax bills in accordance with the Municipal License Agreement and applicable Product Use Sheets entered into by MPAC and the Institution."

With the added functionality of Municipal Connect, including access to people information, and products that can be exported, MPAC has established an added level of governance, via a new role, to ensure Municipal Connect usage and the further use of the data is compliant with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements. This role is known as the Compliance Governor.

Depending on each organization, the same person may assume the role of both Local Administrator and Compliance Governor. Given that the Municipal Clerk’s role is already one of governing compliance with various statutory and regulatory requirements, in order to ensure appropriate use of the Municipal Connect  application and personal data provided therein, MPAC suggests as a best practice that the Municipal Clerk take on the role of compliance governor.

Each individual Municipal Connect User is also responsible for their appropriate access and use of MPAC data in accordance with the Terms of Use and Municipal License Agreement. 

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