Tax Class Regulations

Tax Class Regulations

The Assessment Act provides the authority for the Minister of Finance to pass regulations with respect to many aspects of the property assessment function. This has led to O. Reg. 282/98 under the Assessment Act, the sections of which provide direction to MPAC regarding many of its assessment activities. It prescribes classes of real property under section 7 of the Assessment Act and includes definitions of the property classes and subclasses. It also includes provisions related to some exemptions, some valuation direction, school support, contents of the assessment roll, phase in calculations, and appeals. The Minister frequently files new regulations that add to or change O. Reg. 282/98. Therefore, it is important to always be referring to the most current version. This can be found at

Under the
Education Act, O. Reg. 400/98 was amended to create new Business Education Tax (BET) property classes.
MPAC has created new RTC codes to identify properties that are to be included in these classes.