Tax Incentive Approval Listing

Tax Incentive Approval Listing

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      MPAC sends Tax Incentive Approval (TIA) notices to advise property owners of a Ministry approved class change(s) for the Farm Property Tax Class Program, Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program or Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program. The notice ...
    • Tax Incentive Report (TIR)

      The Tax Incentive Report (TIR) contains the following information:    Farm Land – an excel file of all properties eligible for Farm Land Tax Incentive Program (FLTIP)    Conservation Land – an excel file of all properties eligible for Conservation ...
    • Tax Incentive Report Listing

      Questions? Contact your local Municipal Stakeholder and Relations Team Data points document can be viewed here
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      The Tax Application permission can be assigned to My Work users who are required to submit tax applications under section 357 of the Municipal Act. Please contact your local administrator if you require access to this functionality. Local ...