Tax Incentive Report (TIR)

Tax Incentive Report (TIR)

The Tax Incentive Report (TIR) contains the following information:

  1.    Farm Land – an excel file of all properties eligible for Farm Land Tax Incentive Program (FLTIP)
  2.    Conservation Land – an excel file of all properties eligible for Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program (CLTIP). 
  3.    Tax Incentive – a year-to-year comparison of properties eligible to participate in incentive programs, for each unit class Conservation Land       (CL), Farm Land (FL), Managed Forest (MF). Includes the number of properties and Current Value Assessment (CVA).

The report also includes a list of all properties within a municipal boundary that have been identified by MNR&F and Agricorp as eligible to apply under the Conservation Land Tax and the Farm Land Tax Incentive Programs. This report is delivered annually in a .pdf format for the tax incentive information and a .xlsx format for the remaining two reports.

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