Use of MPAC Data for Tax Calculators

Use of MPAC Data for Tax Calculators

Tax Calculators are used by a number of municipalities across Ontario to enable property owners to use MPAC's Current Value Assessment (CVA) to estimate their annualized property taxes and see how those tax dollars are used to fund services within their municipality. Where a municipality wishes to display the Current Value Assessment (CVA) on their municipal website through a “tax calculator,” the municipality must:
  1. Implement online security features to prevent automated access and screen scraping and:
  2. Provide access to the relevant municipal website on a "view only" basis
  3. Only display property information for one property at a time.
  4. Require users to "accept" website terms and conditions before being allowed to proceed.
  5. Accept and manage access control responsibilities.
  6. Ensure that users accessing information do not use it in conjunction with any other municipal product or service.
  7. Implement further security measures for the additional information offered (previous year CVAs, legal description, etc.) through a password-protected website.
Tax Calculators are not a legislated product or service as such, municipalities are not legally permitted to include CVAs on municipal websites unless they satisfy the requirements of Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) and the Municipal License Agreement (MLA).
Please contact your local Account Manager or Regional Manager if you wish to create a tax calculator or display CVA on your website.
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