What is Supplier Data

What is Supplier Data

Supplier data information is provided by our business partners, Teranet and the Province of Ontario, through a Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) (this includes parcel data through the Ontario Parcel Agreement).

If an export exceeds the limits within the confines of the DSA, royalties must be paid to Teranet.

Supplier data includes:
  1. Sale Amount
  2. Sale Date
  3. Sale Codes
  4. Full Legal Description
  5. Current Value Assessment (including the phased in value of that CVA)
Exported search results that do not contain supplier data will be limited to 50,000 records (to decrease risk of performance issues).

Exported search results that do contain supplier data will be limited to 5,000 records (as per the Data Sharing Agreement with Teranet).

*Please contact your local Account Manager or Account Support Coordinator for more information on obtaining exports that exceed the current restrictions.

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