Products Quick Sheets Index

Products Quick Sheets Index

Listed below are products available through My Products on Municipal Connect

Advisory Notice of Adjustment Listing

A listing to give municipalities authority to change their tax roll due to an Advisory Notice of Adjustment (ANA) being issued. An ANA is the vehicle by which parties are notified of a change to the calculated phase-in resulting from a decision when no other method is provided.

Annual Assessment Roll

Contains all legislated data elements as per Section14 of the Assessment Act.

Conservation Authority Report

Assessment details on Conservation Authority owned property/land within municipal boundaries.

Electronic Assessment Information

This product contains 5 files, providing a point in time snapshot of current assessment data including information regarding properties, owners, tenants, structures, sales, and soil classification.

Electronic Assessment Information - Roll

Bulk data information that is reflected on the annual Assessment Roll and can be used to update municipal tax and GIS systems.

History of Deleted Primaries

A list of roll numbers deleted in the past tax year including the reason for deletion and replacement roll number.

Household Counts Report

The number of households and their related school support aggregated by unit class.

*NEW* MFIPPA Compliant Notification List 

Contains a list of location addresses, including locational postal codes, for use by municipalities to provide notifications to properties within their jurisdiction for operational purposes, while remaining compliant with MFIPPA legislation. 

*NEW* MPAC Data Report 

This product contains 3 files, providing a point in time snapshot of current property data including information regarding properties, structures, and soil classification. 

Municipal Change Profile

Itemizes all activities impacting assessed property values between the return of the last Assessment Roll and the upcoming Assessment Roll.

Municipal Change Profile - Provincial

Summarizes the impact of assessed property value changes between the return of the last Assessment Roll and the upcoming Assessment Roll foreach municipality in the province.

Municipal Sales Listing

A list of all property sales keyed into MPAC’s systems during the related two-week period.

Name Index

Contains basic people and property data for all properties within the municipality, alphabetically by owner’s name.

Property Assessment Change Notice Listing

A listing to give municipalities authority to change their tax roll due to a Property Assessment Change Notice (PACN) being issued. A PACN is issued because of a valuation or classification change under Section 33 (OMT) or 34 (SUP) of the Assessment Act.

Payment-in-Lieu Property Report

A listing of all properties eligible for government payment in lieu of taxes.

Pooling Ratios Report

A listing of the percentage of the education portion of property taxes of each school board within the municipality will receive for non-residential properties.

Population Report

Population counts by age group and school support.

Post Roll Amended Notice Listing

A listing to give municipalities authority to change their tax roll due to a Post Roll Amended Notice (PRAN)being issued. A PRAN is an amendment to the Roll, during the tax year only, allowed under section 32 of the Assessment Act.

School Support Listing

List of all owners/occupants and their related school support designation within a schoolboard jurisdiction.

Service Level Agreement Reports

A collection of reports reflecting MPAC’s performance in relation to Service Level Agreements.

Special Amended Notice Listing

A listing to provide the authority for municipalities to change their tax roll as the result of a Special Amended Notice (SAN) being issued. A SAN is issued to reflect an amendment to the Roll for new legislative provisions that did not previously exist.

Street Index

Contains basic people and property data for all properties within the municipality, alphabetically by municipal address.

Tax Incentive Approval Listing

A listing to give municipalities authority to change their tax roll due to a Tax Incentive Approval (TIA). A TIA is a notification provided to denote changes to properties that qualify and are approved for a Tax Incentive program (Farm, Managed Forest, or Conservation Land)

Tax Incentive Report Listing

Information regarding specific tax incentives within the municipality.

Year End Analysis Report

Summarized information at the municipal level (versus detailed property level information).
A collection of five reports.
  1. Analysis of Assessment Subject to Education Levy
  2. Analysis of Taxable Real Property
  3. Analysis of Assessment Exempt from Taxation
  4. Analysis of Assessment by Special Rate Areas
  5. Household Counts - Unconditional Grants

Year End Roll – XML

A copy of the Year End Tax File in a file format that does not have character limits that would cause truncation issues.

Year End Tax File

Detailed and aggregated information about every property in a municipality, for property tax billing.

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